Ancient Journal Comics 1
I decided I should start posting some of my old journos, since the only place they currently exist is in a nearly sold-out run of mini comics and over on my patreon (where I post a decent, fresh chunk monthly). So we're starting with these positively prehistoric journos from... gosh.... five years ago?? Hope you likes 'em! There's more where these came from.
ALSO, I have a kickstarter going on right now!! Do you love opossums? Well then why not get yourself a stuffed one? Come on down to my kickstarter and get a opossum pin, a opossum plush, or both!! Let yourself live a little.
AND I'll be at Emerald City Comic Con this very weekend with all my merch, at BOOTH KK19. I'll also be on a panel all about autobio comics on Sunday the 17th at noon in TCC L3-R1. Be there or be somewhere else, I cannot control your life. But it'd be cool if you did come and see me :3
AND THEN I'll be at PAX EAST from the 28th to the 31st of March! Up in bandland, near the entrance-- hopefully pretty hard to miss ;0